§ 7.10.010. Notification of Bisphenol-A.  

Latest version.
  • A voluntary program for the notification of Bisphenol-A is hereby established. Retailers that sell any form of food or beverage in a container that may contain Bisphenol-A commonly referred to as BPA may so notify customers by posting a visible sign on the premises. The sign may contain the following statement:

    "Certain plastic bottles and some cans containing a plastic lining may contain BPA. An expert panel commissioned by U.S. HHS has found that for pregnant women, fetuses, infants and children that there is 'some concern for neural and behavioral effects' being altered by exposure to BPA. For more information, go to: http://cerhr.niehs.nih.gov/chemicals/bisphenol/BPAFinalEPVF112607.pdf ".

(Ord. No. O-01-09, § 1, 4-13-2009)